Dom & Bom
Anyways this entire thing is about JS , so lets give a min to essentials when running JS in browser i.e DOM & BOM
Reading them is not necessary but it will help , just saying :man_shrugging:
DOM Document object model
DOM = Window.document so whenever we do document.querySelector etc, we call DOM , so DOM is
DOM vs JavaScript
BOM Browser object model
It provides us with all these features and more, as listed by Nicholas C Zakas
➤ The capability to pop up new browser windows ➤ The capability to move, resize, and close browser windows ➤ The navigator object, which provides detailed information about the browser ➤ The location object, which gives detailed information about the page loaded in the browser ➤ The screen object, which gives detailed information about the user’s screen resolution ➤ The performance object, which gives detailed information about the browser’s memory consumption, navigational behavior, and timing statistics ➤ Support for cookies ➤ Custom objects such as XMLHttpRequest and Internet Explorer’s ActiveXObject